In Contact with Nature

Why are we attracted to be around nature...? 

There is something about being outdoors that attract some of us: the sense of adventure, the feel of discovery or simply the fact of coming back to our roots. Have you ever wonder why we all like the "scent of rain"? you know, that typical and very characteristic smell when rain comes.


Petrichor is a term coined in 1964 and it means in greek "stone" and "gods' blood".
The smell is produced by an oil exuded by certain plants during dry periods and when rain comes, the oil is released into the air along with another compound, geosemin, which is the vital importance to soil systems, which translates into: growth -> fruits -> food = Life.

There are certain traits that still remain unconscious reactions on our bodies, as Petrichor is, there is also common things as goosebumps, a body reaction that still is present from the time our ancestors were chimps.

To think...

Next time, while being out there, take a deep breath, feel the air filling your lungs, listen to the wind and birds chirping their symphony in a mixture of chaos and instincts, feel every beat of your heart as a ticking clock that reminds you that nothing last forever and life is to be lived until it fades away. Reconnect, enjoy and live.
